During 2014 the IFCC will continue with its task regarding the early identification of bowel cancer. To date we have managed to collect 40.000€ towards this project. Would you like to know more?
Bowel cancer, in both men and women is the most common in Spain, following breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men; with over 25.000 new cases diagnosed each year. One in every four people will suffer with this disease and although it can strike you at any time, the high risk group tends to be between 50 and 69 years of age. If it is identified and diagnosed during the early stages, then eight of every ten victims may be treated successfully.
In 2013 IFCC initiated a bowel screening programme. Our main objective was that the high risk groups and age groups between 50 and 69 undergo a bowel screening. This programme is currently being introduced on the Islands in various stages area by area. We have started in the area of San Antonio part of San Jose for people in the National Health system. Each month we post a mailshot of letters inviting them to participate in the programme. By 2015 we intend to extend this to Santa Eulalia and San Juan and by 2016 Ibiza town and Formentera Island.
If you receive a mailshot letter, you should take it to your nearest medical centre in San Antonio and put your name down for the screening test. If you need further information, please phone our screening help line on 617199678 Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 10.00 and 11.00a.m.
A 90% of the screening tests should show a normal result. The test (a stool sample) is quick, easy and painless; it can be carried out in the privacy of your home. Taking this test could save your life.
To date we have posted over 5,300 letters and, as a result, 901 people have taken the test. Unfortunately the response rate is low and we do strongly recommend that, upon receipt of this letter, you go along to your local medical centre in San Antonio. 822 of the tests that were taken gave a negative result and 79 had positive results of blood in their stool.
Of the 59 colonoscopies that have been performed, 33 were negative, but 26 were positive for bowel cancer. All these cancer victims are currently receiving treatment.
Participate with us and add your small grain of sand towards this fight against colon cancer.
Please pay your fee directly into our bank account:
ES98 0061 0030 6407 1867 0114
We aim to raise awareness and support for family members and patients suffering from this disease in our islands.
Unlike other associations all the collected and all the campaigns that are carried out will be conceived and will go destined to the inhabitants of Ibiza and Formentera.
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Contact us
Phone number: 666 991 336
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
from 10:00 to 12:00 hours
E-mail: [email protected]