Partido solidario organizado por el Morna International College a beneficio de IFCC

Former footballer Robert Pirès will referee this Saturday’s charity match organised by Morna International College in aid of IFCC

This charity event will be open to the public at the Sant Jordi Sports Club from 10:00 to 18:00 for a donation price of 5 euros

Caminata Solidaria / Solidarity Walk - IFCC

IFCC celebrates a solidarity walk this Sunday, February 5 to commemorate World Cancer Day

This initiative for all audiences will serve to raise funds to improve the quality of life of cancer patients in the Pitiusas

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC, celebrates this Sunday, February 5 at 10:30 a.m. a new solidarity walk in commemoration of World Cancer Day and to raise funds to improve the quality of life of patients with cancer. It is a moderate route of about 8 kilometers that will start from the Palacio de Congresos de Santa Eulària des Riu and will last approximately two and a half hours. “To participate is very simple, you just have to text or call 666 991 336 or register at the following link“, they have pointed out from IFCC.

“It is a simple route in which we will enjoy the views that surround Ses Roquetes, across Niu Blau and Cala Pada beaches until we reach S’Argamassa, where we can see the remains of the ancient Roman aqueduct that was part of an extensive hydraulic system dating from the first century AD. made up of wells, fountains and water channels built by the different inhabitants of the island over time”, assured the treasurer of the Association, Berno Kiberd. “With this walk we want to continue raising awareness about cancer and raising funds to support patients and their families”, the IFCC volunteers pointed out, recalling that this event, in which pets are not allowed, is for adults of all ages who can register by making a simple donation from 5 euros.

The IFCC president, Helen Watson, added that “these solidarity marches are not only necessary because they serve to raise funds, but also to promote sports and outdoor activities, and help in the of prevention of cancer disease that we seek to eradicate ”

Grupo de teatro ‘Es Clot’ - IFCC

The theater group ‘Es Clot’ celebrates a solidarity performance for the benefit of IFCC on 17th September

This show for all audiences, which will take place in the Can Ventosa cultural space, will recreate everyday situations in society through various characters

The theater group ‘Es Clot’ will celebrate next Saturday, 17th September at 7:00 p.m. in the Can Ventosa cultural space, a one-hour solidarity performance for the benefit of the Ibiza and Formentera Association against Cancer, IFCC. This show for all audiences, under the title “Ay, mi Pepe!”, will recreate, through various characters, everyday situations such as presenting a complaint to the town hall, buying a second-hand car, going to a gynecological appointment or discussing the Disney female stereotype.

These comic scenes, directed by Xesús Ballesteros, are the first theatrical incursion of ‘Es Clot’ in Ibiza, thus giving life to this cultural proposal through various theatrical pieces “with the simple intention of making the viewer have a good time”.

Tickets, with a donation price of 12 euros, can now be purchased at the Es Clot Ibiza Neighborhood Association, from Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, whose contact address is the Royal Plaza Hotel, or at Pérez Peluqueros, located at number 3, Calle Baleare in Ibiza.

The president of Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, Helen Watson, wanted to thank the actors in this play for their enthusiasm, effort and solidarity and has invited the entire society of the island to attend this theatrical meeting which, she affirms, will be “entertaining and perfect to spend an afternoon with the family, while supporting a good cause”. For its part, the theater group has also wanted to thank different neighbors for their donations for the play, “because without them it would not be possible”, they say, specifying “our thanks to Toni for lending us the sofa, to Joan for making the solidarity tickets, to our families for putting up with us these months and to all of you for joining us on our first theatrical adventure. Pepita, va per tu”, they proclaim from ‘Es Clot’.

IFCC, 21 years together with the Islands cancer patients and their families

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC, donated in 2019 a total of 16 new state-of-the-art reclining armchairs for cancer patients at the Hospital de Can Misses, which are added to the 10 that it already paid for in 2016, along with five televisions with built-in headphones for the chemotherapy room. An Association that has financed, furthermore, thanks to the donations of its many members and the charity events organized, the decoration of the oncology nursing consultation and the Unit consultation of Palliative Care, the acquisition of an endoscope for the Formentera Hospital, a pilot project for colon cancer screening in the Island and the hiring of a physiotherapist for the Lymphedema Unit, directed by Dr. Sausan Sayed, in addition to several cars for the Palliative Care Unit. This NGO has also published, the informative brochures of the Oncology Day Hospital, with recommendations for patients in chemotherapy treatment, breast surgery and ostomized.

Linus Roth - Festival internacional ‘Ibiza Concerts’

El festival internacional ‘Ibiza Concerts’ regresa a Ibiza del 26 al 28 de agosto con tres conciertos solidarios a beneficio de IFCC

Estos eventos musicales, que comenzarán a las 21:00 horas, estarán dirigidos por el célebre violinista Linus Roth en el Claustro del Convento de los Dominicos del Ayuntamiento de Eivissa

El reconocido violinista Linus Roth volverá a Ibiza del 26 al 28 de agosto para dirigir la IV Edición del Festival Internacional ‘Ibiza Concerts’ con tres conciertos solidarios que se celebrarán en el Claustro del Convento de los Dominicos del Ayuntamiento de Eivissa, en Dalt Vila, a las 21:00 horas. Este encuentro con la música clásica será benéfico y la recaudación íntegra de las entradas, con un precio donativo de 20 euros por adulto y de 10 euros para los niños menores de 14 años, irá destinada a la Asociación Ibiza y Formentera Contra el Cáncer, IFCC.

El primer concierto, que tendrá lugar el 26 agosto bajo el título ‘Reinicio’, será un dueto de Linus Roth al violín y de Julien Quentin al piano. Al día siguiente, el 27 de agosto, será el turno de la sesión conocida como ‘Todo Beethoven’, una actuación a cargo del Cuarteto Schumann, de Julien Quentin al piano y de Linus Roth al violín, quien homenajeará a dicho artista alemán, conocido por ser uno de los compositores más importantes de la historia de la música. Por último, el 28 de agosto, se cerrará este festival con el concierto ‘Desde París con amor’ de la mano de Linus Roth, Julien Quentin y Cuarteto Schumann, para deleitar al público con piezas románticas y repletas de delicadeza.

La presidenta de la Asociación de Ibiza y Formentera Contra el Cáncer, Helen Watson, ha destacado que “estamos muy agradecidos a Linus Roth por su apoyo a nuestra Asociación durante todos estos años y por su puesta en valor el trabajo que llevamos desempeñando desde hace más de 21 apoyar a los pacientes con cáncer de las Pitiusas”. “Para él las acciones que impulsamos de prevención contra esta enfermedad y de ayuda directa son muy importantes y para nosotros que artistas de su nivel estén a nuestro lado nos hace más fuertes, de hecho, su música es realmente terapéutica”, ha concluido.

Todos aquellos interesados en adquirir las entradas para este festival de música clásica de forma online ya pueden hacerlo en el siguiente link:




IFCC, 21 años junto a los pacientes de cáncer de las Pitiusas y sus familias

La Asociación Ibiza y Formentera Contra el Cáncer, IFCC, donó en 2019 un total de 16 nuevos sillones reclinables de última generación para los pacientes oncológicos del Hospital de Can Misses, que se suman a los 10 que ya sufragó en 2016, junto con cinco televisores con auriculares incorporados para la sala de quimioterapia. Una Asociación que ha financiado, además, gracias a las donaciones de sus numerosos socios y a los eventos benéficos que organiza, la decoración de la consulta de enfermería oncológica y de la consulta de la Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos, la adquisición de un endoscopio para el Hospital de Formentera, un proyecto piloto de cribado del cáncer de colon en las Pitiusas o la contratación de un fisioterapeuta para la Unidad de Linfedema, que dirige la doctora Sausan Sayed, además de varios coches para esta Unidad de Paliativos. Esta ONG ha editado, por otro lado, los folletos informativos del Hospital de Día Oncológico, con recomendaciones para pacientes en tratamiento de quimioterapia, de cirugía de mama y ostomizados.

Estos son solo algunos de los hechos tangibles logrados por esta Asociación que lleva más de 21 años al lado de los pacientes con cáncer en Ibiza y en Formentera y de sus familias.

Gospel Can Blau - IFCC

The Can Blau Gospel group celebrates a solidarity concert to benefit IFCC on Saturday 4th June

All funds raised from this event will support cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera

The Can Blau Gospel group will hold a solidarity concert on June 4 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cultural Center of Jesus to raise funds to support and improve the quality of life of patients with cancer in Ibiza and Formentera.

The Can Blau Gospel of the Can Blau Music School was formed at the beginning of 2007 and is aimed at singers looking for an alternative to traditional choirs. The aim is also to promote the music and African-American culture and offer a different vision of what a choir can be. In their concerts, the group seeks to create an environment in which the public can be a part of the event. In addition to the singers, the team has its director, Montse Ribot, the pianist accompanist, Joan Òscar Palerm Costa, bass, Chema Pellico, and drummer, Stefano Serra de de Muntes

Door open at 6:30 p.m. admission is free, and donations are very welcome – IFCC confirm all monies and support given will be warmly welcomed.

IFCC, 21 years together with the Islands cancer patients and their families

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC, donated in 2019 a total of 16 new state-of-the-art reclining armchairs for cancer patients at the Hospital de Can Misses, which are added to the 10 that it already paid for in 2016, along with five televisions with built-in headphones for the chemotherapy room. An Association that has financed, furthermore, thanks to the donations of its many members and the charity events organized, the decoration of the oncology nursing consultation and the Unit consultation of Palliative Care, the acquisition of an endoscope for the Formentera Hospital, a pilot project for colon cancer screening in the Island and the hiring of a physiotherapist for the Lymphedema Unit, directed by Dr. Sausan Sayed, in addition to several cars for the Palliative Care Unit. This NGO has also published, the informative brochures of the Oncology Day Hospital, with recommendations for patients in chemotherapy treatment, breast surgery and ostomized.

These are just some of the tangible deeds achieved by this Association

Gospel - IFCC

Solidarity Dinner IFCC in La Casita restaurant

Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer celebrates its 21st anniversary with a charity dinner at La Casita restaurant

This initiative for all audiences will serve to raise funds for cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer will hold a solidarity gala dinner on April 23 at 7:30 p.m. at La Casita restaurant, located at 38 Carretera de Cala Llonga, on the occasion of its 21st anniversary supporting cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera.

This event will feature a welcome glass of cava, a three-course menu with wines, beers and soft drinks, and a live performance by The Moonshine Band. To attend thisevent, whose donation price is 50 euros per person, it will be necessary to register in advance by sending your personal data and the number of diners to the email or by calling 34 666 99 13 36.

From IFCC they have stated that “it is a pride to be able to celebrate this solidarity gala in which all the work and effort made for 21 years to support and improve the quality of life of cancer patients will be valued”.

Solidarity Dinner IFCC in La Casita restaurant

IFCC, 21 years together with the Ibiza and Formentera islands  cancer patients and their families.

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC, donated in 2019 a total of 16 new state-of-the-art reclining armchairs for cancer patients at the Can Misses Hospital, in addition to the 10 that it already paid for in 2016, along with five televisions with built-in headphones for the chemotherapy room. An Association that has also financed, thanks to the donations of its many members and the charity events it organizes, the decoration of the oncology nursing consultation room and the Palliative Care Unit consultation room, the acquisition of an endoscope for the Hospital of Formentera, a pilot project for colon cancer screening in the Pitiusas and the hiring of a physiotherapist for the Lymphedema Unit, directed by Dr. Sausan Sayed, in addition to several cars for this Palliative Care Team. This NGO has produced the information brochures of the Oncology Day Hospital, with recommendations for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment, breast surgery and ostomy patients.

These are just some of the tangible deeds achieved by this Association that has spent more than 21 years alongside cancer patients and their families in Ibiza and Formentera .

Golf Against Cancer - IFCC

Golf Ibiza celebrates this Saturday, April 2, the first annual charity tournament for the benefit of Ibiza and Formentera against Cancer

IFCC are grateful for this sports initiative that will serve to support cancer patients in the Pitiusas

Golf Ibiza will celebrate this Saturday, April 2 at 09:00 a.m. the first annual charity golf tournament for the benefit of Ibiza and Formentera against Cancer, IFCC. This tournament, for which there are only two places available, is sponsored by the Consell Insular d’Eivissa and the Santa Eulalia del Río City Council, and will feature five prizes in categories A (first and second), B (first and second ) and Scratch.

During the day, junior golfers will also compete, refreshments provided and a raffle will be held with gifts, all  donated by various sponsors.

The president of the Association of Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer, Helen Watson, wanted to thank the effort involved in carrying out actions like this, “which allow you to enjoy a day of solidarity, practicing a healthy sport in the open air, such as golf, while raising funds to continue supporting cancer patients in the Pitiusas”.

Golf against Cancer

IFCC, 21 years together with the Pitiusas cancer patients and their families

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC, donated in 2019 a total of 16 new state-of-the-art reclining armchairs for cancer patients at the Can Misses Hospital, in addition to the 10 that it already paid for in 2016, along with five televisions with built-in headphones for the chemotherapy room.

An Association that has also financed, thanks to the donations of its many members and the charity events it organizes, the decoration of the oncology nursing consultation and the Palliative Care Unit consultation, the acquisition of an endoscope for the Hospital of Formentera, a pilot project for colon cancer screening in the Pitiusas or the hiring of a physiotherapist for the Lymphedema Unit, directed by Dr. Sausan Sayed, in addition to several cars for this Palliative Unit. IFCC has published,  information brochures of the Oncology Day Hospital, with recommendations for patients undergoing chemotherapy, breast surgery and ostomy patients.

These are just some of the tangible deeds achieved by this Association that has spent more than 21 years alongside cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera and their families.

Ibiza Beach Tennis - IFCC

The Santa Eulalia Beach Tennis Club celebrates this weekend a charity tournament for the benefit of IFCC

 This sports initiative open to all audiences will serve to raise funds for cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera

The Santa Eulalia Beach Tennis Club will celebrate this weekend a solidarity tournament for the benefit of Ibiza and Formentera against Cancer, IFCC, which will take place at Cala Llonga Beach on Saturday, March 26 and Sunday, March 27 from 09:00 at 19.00 h. A sports event open to all categories that will be held on 12 tracks.

Registration to compete in this event is open to the public for a donation of 20 euros per player, which includes participation in two games, a shirt, a bottle of water and a piece of fruit. Those interested can register on the website or by sending a WhatsApp message to the number 603 791 648.

From the Association of Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer, IFCC, they wanted to thank the effort involved in carrying out events like this, “which not only allow you to enjoy outdoor sports in a safe environment, but also continue to reach out to patients with cancer in the Pitiusas”.

Ibiza Beach Tennis - IFCC

IFCC, 21 years together with the islands cancer patients and their families

The Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC, donated in 2019 a total of 16 new state-of-the-art reclining armchairs for cancer patients at the Can Misses Hospital, in addition to the 10 that it already paid for in 2016, along with five televisions with built-in headphones for the chemotherapy room. An Association that has also financed, thanks to the donations of its many members and the charity events it organizes, the decoration of the oncology nursing consultation and the Palliative Care Unit consultation, the acquisition of an endoscope for the Hospital of Formentera, a pilot project for colon cancer screening in the Pitiusas or the hiring of a physiotherapist for the Lymphedema Unit, directed by Dr. Sausan Sayed, in addition to several cars for this Palliative Unit. This NGO has published , information brochures of the Oncology Day Hospital, with recommendations for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment, breast surgery and ostomy patients.

These are just some of the tangible deeds achieved by this Association that has spent more than 21 years alongside cancer patients and their families in Ibiza and Formentera.

Caminata Solidaria IFCC

The residents of Cala Llonga will celebrate this Sunday, March 13, a solidarity walk for the benefit of IFCC

This initiative for all audiences will serve to raise funds for cancer patients in Ibiza and Formentera

The residents of Cala Llonga will promote this Sunday, March 13 at 10:00 a.m. a solidarity walk for the benefit of the Ibiza and Formentera Association Against Cancer, IFCC. It is a moderate ability route of 9.8 km that will depart from the Can Lluc Restaurant in Cala Llonga and will last approximately three hours. “To participate is very simple, you just have to register through the following link:“, or call 662 67 43 74.

This walk will consist of a visit to the old well and spring of Sa Font des Yerns, the organic farm of Can Musson and the hidden valley of Puig d’en Sala. “We always organize walks because we love to get together and enjoy the island, and every year we promote these solidarity meetings for the benefit of IFCC”, the Cala Llonga Neighborhood Association explained, recalling that people from all walks of life can register for this event. ages by making a simple donation from 5 euros.

For her part, the president of the IFCC, Helen Watson, has affirmed that “everything that is raised in this walk will go entirely to the actions of support for families that our Association has led for more than 20 years.” “These solidarity walks, in addition to serving to support our project, also advocate promoting sports and outdoor activities and are part of the cancer prevention acts that we promote,” Watson concluded.

Caminata Solidaria IFCC

Living with a tracheostomy

If you have undergone surgery and have a tracheostomy tube temporarily or permanently, it is important that you acquire autonomy in your self-care.

The intention of this guide is to give you the most complete information possible so that you and your family can better understand your illness, to learn about the new care that you will have to incorporate into your daily life, and to help you feel safe and overcome difficulties.


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